A little component to manage related products in bulk easily for the current branch of VirtueMart.
You can filter for Category and manufacturer to select the target products, then select from the list the products you want to manage in the first step. In the second step you can select the related products, and you can save the obtained combination to be reused.
On the third and last step you can select what to happen with the combinations you created in the previous steps:
Similar Tags with introtext and images module displays on a Joomla 3.* powered site the title, introtext and introtext image (if exist) of other content elements with similar tags.
The package can be obtained from our Downloads or from Joomla Extension Directory. Can be installed as any other Joomla component.
The package contains a Joomla component, a module and a plugin, all installed in a single step. Obviously, you need to have a working VirtueMart shop on your site.